Passive smokers, Just danger

To passive smoking or secondhand smoke ( SHS ) , also called environmental tobacco smoke ( ETS ) , turns out to be as dangerous as active smokers . In the tobacco , contained more than 7,000 chemicals . 250 of these substances are hazardous substances and approximately 69 substances in it are known to trigger cancer .

An American study noted many adverse health effects caused by exposure to cigarette smoke , such as asthma , bronchitis , blood coagulation (blood clotting ) , and inflammation of the lungs ( pneumonia ) . In the long term , passive smoking can constrict blood vessels and various types of cancer . In women who are pregnant , exposure to secondhand smoke can increase the risk of babies born with a weight below normal or miscarriage . Whereas in infants , can cause sudden death ( Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS ) .

Some places around you can lead to greater risk of passive smoking . Workplace environment for example , is one reason many people with health problems of the heart and lungs . How not , try to count how many hours you are hanging out with your buddies at the office ? Especially when gathering your friends are active smokers . The other place that allows you a lot of exposure to cigarette smoke is a public places such as restaurants , public transport waiting points , even in the public transport .

Your home can also be a dangerous place if there is a smoker in it . Especially for children , exposure to secondhand smoke can increase their asthma , lung infections , and ear infections .

Reduce the dangers of secondhand smoke exposure :

    Avoid people who are smoking
    Always wear a mask when in public places was
    Maintain cleanliness of air circulation , especially at home . For example, by opening the windows and curtains every morning , so that fresh air again .

Come , raise awareness to maintain the health of ourselves and our loved ones to quit smoking immediately .

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