Symptoms of Breast Cancer - Breast Cancer is the most feared diseases of women, the disease is a malignant disease that often lead to death.
Spelled breast cancer the most common cancer diseases affecting women, although men also have the possibility of having this disease with a ratio of 1 in 1000.
Some of the risk factors for breast cancer are genes, family history, and lifestyle living. If the genes and family history is quite difficult to change, you can actually adjust your lifestyle to prevent breast cancer.
As for the characteristics or symptoms that indicate the existence of Breast Cancer are as follows:
Arise lump in the breast that can be touched by hand, the longer the more hardened lumps and irregular shape.
1. Shape, size or weight of one of your breasts changed.
2 Small lumps under the armpit arise.
3. Out blood, pus, or a watery fluid from the nipple.
4. Breast skin wrinkled like an orange peel.
5. Shape or direction of nipple changes, such as nipples pressed into.
That's some of the symptoms of breast cancer that you can be aware if there are characteristics of your breast. May be useful.
Spelled breast cancer the most common cancer diseases affecting women, although men also have the possibility of having this disease with a ratio of 1 in 1000.
Some of the risk factors for breast cancer are genes, family history, and lifestyle living. If the genes and family history is quite difficult to change, you can actually adjust your lifestyle to prevent breast cancer.
As for the characteristics or symptoms that indicate the existence of Breast Cancer are as follows:
Arise lump in the breast that can be touched by hand, the longer the more hardened lumps and irregular shape.
1. Shape, size or weight of one of your breasts changed.
2 Small lumps under the armpit arise.
3. Out blood, pus, or a watery fluid from the nipple.
4. Breast skin wrinkled like an orange peel.
5. Shape or direction of nipple changes, such as nipples pressed into.
That's some of the symptoms of breast cancer that you can be aware if there are characteristics of your breast. May be useful.