Traditional medicine Arthritic Joints and Bones

Traditional medicine Rheumatism, - Actually very much traditional medicine arthritis is also very easy to get. Before we discuss about what are the ingredients that can be used to make traditional arthritis drug that may be able to get around your neighborhood. You need to know what the rheumatic diseases. Rheumatic disease is a disease that is still not known what causes it. But the disease is suspected because of the combination of various factors such as hormonal changes, infection of the virus, and also can Because genetic factors. For women who have been affected by arthritis if pregnant or breastfeeding may exacerbate the condition. If you want to treat these rheumatic diseases you can treat it traditionally, here are some traditional medicine arthritis:
traditional arthritis drug is safe and efficacious
Traditional medicine Rheumatism Soursop Leaf
In addition to the traditional arthritis drug proved to be potent soursop leaves can cure various diseases. Diseases that can be cured with soursop leaves one of them is a rheumatic disease. Way soursop leaf processing in order to be a potent drug that is easy, here is a way of processing:

    For the first step it was ready soursop leaves are still wet as much as 10 to 15 pieces.
    After it was thoroughly wash the leaves of the soursop
    The next step is into the soursop leaf boil 3 cups of water
    Boil the soursop leaf to the cooking water to 1 cup of water, the boiling process is approximately one hour long.
    Do not forget to add a low-calorie sugar or palm sugar, or you can also add it 4 to 5 tablespoons of honey to taste in soursop leaves boiled water.
    Seletah the strain and soursop leaves boiled water ready for consumption.
    To get the maximum results you can consume soursop boiling water every day during the morning, noon, and night.

Traditional medicine Rheumatism rind of mangosteen
Traditional medicine Rheumatism rind of mangosteen is a panacea that does not lose efficacy with soursop leaves. Ways of processing the mangosteen peel is also quite easy and simple. You can try to make it to treat rheumatic diseases that may be you or your relatives suffer. Moreover mangosteen peel can also discharge to alternative traditional medicine. Here's how the mangosteen skin treatment for rheumatic diseases:
The initial step is to prepare the mangosteen fruit is ripe and has a medium to large size. Subsequently wash the mangosteen fruit. Wash the fruit of the mangosteen that hard outer skin. Then peeled mangosteen fruit with a thin outer skin of the mangosteen fruit because they contain a waxy substance that is bad for health. Next prepare lah lah blander and start blending the mangosteen fruit with skin and seeds until smooth by adding a glass of water that has been cooked. Do not forget to add honey to taste and then strain. Skin mangosteen juice ready for consumption. Above is the info how to make traditional arthritis drug that may be beneficial to you.

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